Oregon Labware
A company compromised with the quality of its products and services. And Because of this, we are always searching new products and high technology, to provide new solutions. Nowadays, we count on the main lines of products for instrumental chemical analysis, providing to our customers since platinum pieces until salt and fluxes, as a full line of standards and reference materials with international tracking certificates. Learn about our Quality Policy!
Continuing our policy of Innovation and Pioneerism we developed the LABOR ACUCURA, a 100% Brazilian technology which will weigh the flux and the mineral sample for you. With LABOR ACCURA your Lab will gain great efficiency with speed, precision and excellent reproducibility in weighing the sample and the flux
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Labor Accura
Great efficiency with speed and precision reproducibility in weighing the sample and the flux.

It is constituted by Lithium Tetraborate, Lithium Metaborate and mixtures in various proportions.

Labware Polish I
Improves the life of parts of platinum in addition to facilitate the release of the tablets of the casting dishes.

Platinum Labware
Oregon Labware manufacture and recover platinum materials and its alloys for several lines of analysis.
Continuing our Innovation and Pioneering policy, we are launching equipment that will certainly be a differential for customers in the sample preparation market for X-ray Fluorescence, the new Automatic Flux Weighing Equipment…

Conditions for a good fusion, proper choices, sample preparation, material maintenance and material cleaning!